Industries involved in construction and fabrication face various challenges today, especially concerning the base materials used in erecting a particular structure. Companies around the world are on the lookout for new and improved composite core materials that can lend affordability, reduced weight, and enhanced performance to the construction projects they are used in. Enter PP Honeycombs – a revolutionary product that checks out all the strength and resilience requirements that a construction company might be looking for. If you haven’t heard about this wondrous new material, read on to discover what PP Honeycombs are and how they can be of use to you. What are PP Honeycombs? PP or Polypropylene honeycombs are mainly used as the core for manufacturing sandwich components for construction projects. Made from Polypropylene, a recyclable thermoplastic from the polyolefin group, this material’s hexagon-shaped cells or honeycombs provide it with some astonishing properties lik...